Am I real?

 Do you sometimes ask yourself if it's real? If you're real?

A lot of times, when I space out, I wonder if I am real, if I am not just some sort of fictional character, am I really my mum's daughter? Am i really people's friend? Is this life real?





I told my friend how unproductive I feel I am, and she asked me what I normally do in a day, after I told her, she's like, "Nope, you are productive."

A huge amount of my time I spend "thinking through things" and she was like, "You have the ability to think thoroughly, that's why you think a lot, and you think of relevant things."

"How can you say I think of things relevant, important?" I responded.

"Because you are smart," she said. "I can't do your routine, it's too busy for me."





When I get into the "technical space" of life, yup I made that up, and I mean the earthly reality of life such as paying bills, savings, insurance, investments, career, so on, I feel so real. I feel so human. I feel being one of. 

When I enter another space, which I will call "soul space," where I roam around all the time, I pause, literally, space out, quiet myself, detach from my body, I feel so alienated. I then see things differently, I see sky as vastness, my mum as my safety blanket and my iced coffee as an earthly manifestation of hope.





If you happen to see this, please affirm I am real and I exist, thanks x


  1. I used to rack my brain trying to answer those questions.

    Also, ...

    "What if I died in my sleep? Would people I care for remember me for the rest of their lives? Would they cancel whatever they had on their schedule to go to my funeral? Would they tell their kids about me? Would they say I was a good friend, a good daughter, a good sister, a lover?"


    "Is God really watching over me? If He watches over me, it means He knows what's in my mind right now, so I'd better stop thinking how He can multitask and watch over every single being on earth."

    Sometimes this happens too:

    After I do my daily routines in the morning and get on the bus with people I see everyday but have never spoken with, all of a sudden, I think, "Wait, am I still alive? Or I already died in my sleep and still am not aware of that?"

    Just my thoughts after reading your blog, Dang. I am so happy you are real and do exist. Thanks for reminding me I am real and I exist.

    Take care. <3


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