
Simply, we are just wired for connection. 

When that connection is threatened with changes, we start to feel anxious and scared.

Maintaining connection requires a lot of effort. Sometimes the small changes that go unnoticed creates huge changes later.

Connection is so delicate, but also powerful. It builds people up, and crumbles down life.

As for me, the greatest deception I've ever once believed was I can teach myself not to need people. Being so much exposed with a lot of changing and moving people, the defense mechanism is not to start that connection. However, I fooled myself thinking I could get away with what I am created for...and that is connection.

After five years, I'm glad to accept that I've made a mistake of believing that, and that I realise that not wanting connection is what's keeping me from feeling alive.

I was so afraid of losing that's why I decided not to ever start, and that's way worst.

Today, I feel at peace within knowing that I can make different choices in life, that I don't always need to respond to things how I usually do, that I can make unique responses and rebuild different boundaries, that...

I can choose connection.

I can trust without reservation.

I can be vulnerable to people that I like




To my Amity, thank you for making me believe that I can trust again, that it's okay to be who I really am, that I can choose myself this time and you'll be there to support me. I hope, I have served you well.




Connections, that's what we're wired for.

Cheers, Diana ☕ 



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